Monday, August 20, 2007

Liberty Fights Back and Punishes Bush

Need I say more? The international community has lost almost as much respect as I have for the current President of the United States. This photo is of a float in a recent parade in Germany. I think George W Bush does deserve some form of punishment for the horrible job he has done in office and the unimaginable scaling back of liberties given to the American public. Blanket wire taps and secret courts? Sounds like Bush is stealing from Putin's playbook, not the US Constitution...

Friday, August 17, 2007

Bush and the De-Evolution of US Conservation

It is interesting to look at our current administration's position on conservation and environmental issues. George W Bush once again represents a de-evolution of thought and principles. One-hundred years ago there was a much greater man in office that clearly saw the toll nations levy on the environment, and ultimately our children and children’s children, as society prospers. Theodore Roosevelt outlined his views in the "Conservation as a National Duty" address to business and community leaders on how we should counteract our negative impact on the environment – before it was too late. Roosevelt is remembered for saving vast amounts of land from destruction by establishing the National Parks system and for fueling the progressive movement that tightened the reins on big business. These and many other very notable accomplishments transpired because he held the interest of the American public as his top priority.

George W Bush on the other hand will be remembered as the idiot president, only in power because of his father, that pandered to needs of big business because of his family's and his administration’s ties to the oil business. His actions and words are completely transparent. His personal interests drove the United States to war with Iraq. One can only hope that the next president will have the strength to pull the US out of the Dark Ages that dim-witted little W has brought upon the Nation.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

What Ever You Look For, You Will Find...

I have seen time and time again, people walking through life with blinders on. Whether you are looking for something good or bad, your perception is skewed with this 'selective' recognition. This cognitive filter can make one think nothing else exists. Again, negative or positive, looking for one particular thing can be a self-fulfilling prophesy. Be careful what you look for...

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

What's in Name?

My Blog is named after a reform attempt lead by a group of academics - the Columbia Spelling Board - at the beginning of the 20th Century. They proposed changing the spelling of many English words to more closely match the way they are pronounced. Many of their recommendations circled around cleaning up old English words that contained many extra or silent letters. The crux of the story is that while the suggested changes would have benefited future generations, the movement failed. Ironically, several of the recommendations were implemented as English in the US naturally evolved over time. While 'Circular number 6' was a great, logical, progressive idea, people could not be forced to accept change, even if they and their offspring were ultimately to benefit.

I feel like I'm contributing to a modern-day Circular number 6 - the bulk of American society is too short sighted to see what is good for them. Need I point to exhibit A, George W Bush?